SubcloneSeeker  1.0.0
Subclone deconvolution software framework
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CSubcloneSeeker::ArchivableAbstract class that defines the interface to handle archiving objects into sqlite3 database
 CSubcloneSeeker::EventClusterA collection class that each instance groups many SomaticEvents which share the same cell frequency
 CSubcloneSeeker::SomaticEventAbstract data structure class that represents any type of somatic mutation
 CSubcloneSeeker::SegmentalMutationAbstract data structure class that represents any segmental somatic mutation
 CSubcloneSeeker::CNVCopy Number Variation
 CSubcloneSeeker::LOHLoss of Heterozygosity
 CSubcloneSeeker::SNPSingle Nucleotide Polymorphism
 CSubcloneSeeker::SubcloneThe class that represents a subclone in a subclonal structure tree
 CSubcloneSeeker::GenomicLocationA point on a reference genome
 CSubcloneSeeker::GenomicRangeA segment on a reference genome
 CRefGenomeEncapsulates a reference genome
 CSubcloneSeeker::TreeNodeBase class for any object that can seve as a tree node
 CSubcloneSeeker::SubcloneThe class that represents a subclone in a subclonal structure tree
 CSubcloneSeeker::TreeTraverseDelegateDelegate class handling tree traversing
 CEdgePrintTraverserA tree traverser that prints the edges in Graphviz .dot format
 CNodePrintTraverserA tree traverser that prints the nodes in Graphviz .dot format
 CSubcloneSeeker::SubcloneLoadTreeTraverserA tree traverser that loads an entire tree structure from a database
 CSubcloneSeeker::SubcloneSaveTreeTraverserA tree traverser that saves an entire tree structure from a database
 CTreeMergeTraverseSecondaryTraverse the secondary tree, and try to place every node it encounters onto the primary tree, which was given as a constructor parameter
 CTreePrintTraverserA tree traverser that prints tree in a text format
 CTreePrintTraverserA tree traverser that prints tree in a text format